3D2N Private Beijing Tour 2023

Paket Tour Beijing China

3D2N private Beijing Tour package will take you to the beautiful places in Beijing. This short holiday will be so amazing in China because there are plenty things to do. The beautiful spots will be arranged in the itinerary. In this tour, we will provide you with a great journey in Beijing China.

This tour is exclusively designed for those who love a private tour. The private tour we offer to you is to go to some destination places. We will also take you to the must-see attractions and many beautiful tourism objects. To get this package, you must book the hotel on your own. Since we don’t provide the hotel and other accommodation, we only give a private tour.

So, you can enjoy your 3 days trip with us and we will show you the amazing of Beijing. We will also be your guide as long as your trip in Beijing. The transportation, guide, and driver are on us. You will travel by using the private vehicle, private driver and guide.

We will arrange the schedule so you can visit all the tourism places in Beijing. Since it is only 3 days journey, we will maximize our time to give the best trip for you. So, here are the activities you will do and the places you will visit in Beijing.

The Itinerary for 3D2N Private Tour Beijing 2023

Day 1 : Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Jingshan Park, Summer Palace

In this first day, you will visit four tourism places. The places for this day is Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Jingshan Park, and Summer Palace. You will be picked up at your Hotel by the driver.

Your journey will start at 9 am and the first place to visit is Tiananmen Square. This place is the remarkable place because it is a big place. This place is enough to hold such a million people. This place is also a historical place of China and it also has many cultural symbol on its building.

The next place is the forbidden city. You can walk through the Golden Water Bridge because Forbidden City is near by the Tiananmen Square. This is a Chinese Imperial Palace in the Dynasty Ming and Qing. This tourism site is also listed in UNESCO as the ancient wooden buildings in the world.

In the afternoon, the trip will continue to the Jingshan Park. This is a beautiful royal garden in Beijing.  There is also a hill in this park and the top of the hill is the favorite place. From this peak, people can see the whole Forbidden City and the view is really amazing.

This 3D2N private Beijing Tour for couple is really good.  After get your lunch at the local restaurant, you will go to Summer Palace. This Summer Palace is the site in which you can see the amazing architecture of Chinese culture.

Day 2: Temple of Heaven, Lama Temple, Beijing Hutong, 798 Art Zone

3D2N private Beijing Tour package in the second day will go to four destinations. After breakfast at hotel, you will visit Temple of Heaven. This temple is very historical and also it is built for special occasion. It is firstly built by the Chinese emperors for the annual ceremony. The ceremony is the prayer to God for getting the good harvest.

Then, the trip will be continued to Lama Temple. Lama  Temple is the largest temple in Beijing. This is also the perfect lamasery in Beijing. This temple gives both religious and historical tourism experience.

In the afternoon, there will be a trip to Beijing Hutong. And the last destination is the 798 Art Zone. This is an exhibition center for Chinese art and culture. You will see many famous cultural in the world. There are also many creative industries in this exhibition.

Day 3 : Mutianyu Great Wall, Sacred Way, Beijing Olympic Park

This is the last day of your private Beijing Tour in China. In the early morning, you will go to the Muntianyu Great Wall. This is a long journey because you will take 1.5 hours by using cable car and toboggan. Muntianyu is less crowded than any other tourism site. But this place is really attractive.

You can then continue to walk along a solemn to the Sacred way. This way is the way for the emperors  when visiting their ancestors’ tombs. There are many elegant ancient marble statue here.

You will go back to the city and stop by the Beijing Olympic Park. There are some beautiful bird’s nest and also water cube. This spot is really lovable to take picture.

Those places are great place to visit during your private tour in Beijing. You can also get 3D2N private Beijing Tour special price if you book now. You must be really glad to visit Beijing with us and see many beautiful places.

Details for 3D2N private Beijing Tour

Here is what you will get from the tour package:

  • Ticket Fee

All the ticket for the tourism spot is included in this package. You don’t need to pay the entrance fee anymore.

  • Meals

You will get meals as well for three times eating. You will get breakfast from the Hotel. Then, for lunch and dinner, you will eat in the local restaurant. The menu is Chinese food, but you can request another menu. You can ask for the western menu or vegetarian menu.

  • Private Tour

As long as your trip in Beijing, you will be accompanied by the tour guide. The tour is only for you and your partner.

  • Private Transfer

To go any scenic places, you will free from charges. The transfer fee is included in this tour package.

  • Transportation

You will get private driver that will take you and pick you up. Along with the private vehicle during your trip.

For Visa fees, credit card fees, excess baggage, and insurance for your trip are not included.

3D2N private Beijing Tour 2023 will give you many benefits and also unforgettable memory. You will get the best facility and experience in Beijing. Happy Holiday!